WhatClinic Patient Service Award

WhatClinic Patient Service Award

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Success Story

Successful Outcome from Assisted Reproductive Technology

There are 3 key factors for the successful outcome from ART treatment as follows;

Infertile woman and her spouse
Treatment provider (Fertility Specialist /Fertility Nurse/Embryologist)

As a successful outcome from fertility treatment is very much an individual matter, we would give you some more details and examples to make it easier to understand.

  • Infertile woman and her spouse

    Infertile woman and her spouse

    A.If the cause is unidentifiable, the successful pregnancy rate may depend on the woman side as follows;
    Woman ages less than 35 years old, she may have successful pregnancy rate from 40% - 50%
    Woman ages between 36-40 years old, she may have successful pregnancy rate about 30%
    Woman ages over 40 years old, she may have successful pregnancy rate from 10% - 20%

    B. If the cause is identifiable, there are classified as follows;
    Caused by a man such as vas deferens blocked, operation at the testicle is required to seek the viable sperm.
    Caused by a woman such as polycystic ovary syndrome or myoma. After treatment, pregnancy rate may turn higher.

  • Treatment provider

    Treatment provider (Fertility Specialist /Fertility Nurse/Embryologist)

    The treatment provider must hold expertise in this field in order to deliver the most appropriate treatment with safe.

    A. Fertility specialist must frequently update the treatment information or innovation and adapt it to use with the patient properly.
    B. Fertility nurse must enter to fertility counseling course and be able to provide counseling service proficiently and promptly.
    C. Embryologist must be certified and have experience in this field and always visit for training or often practice to improve skill.

  • Laboratory

    Laboratory the laboratory must be well-equipped and certified for embryo culture

    a. The equipment must be up to date and in the ready to use condition such as Microscope, Assisted Hatching Laser.

    b. Water and embryo culture media must be certified that there is no toxic contained and impact to the embryo development.